Things to know about Histrionic Personality Disorder
In the world of personality disorders, one character craves the spotlight like no other, and they go by the name of Histrionic Personality Disorder, or HPD for short. HPD is a complex and often misunderstood mental health condition characterized by excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behaviour. People with HPD strongly desire to be the centre of attention and often engage in dramatic behaviours to achieve this. I
In simple terms, HPD is a mental health condition where someone becomes a bit of a “drama queen” or “king,” always trying to be the show’s star. They’ll go to great lengths to be the centre of attention, often using dramatic gestures, emotions, or flirtatious behaviours to steal the spotlight.
But here’s the catch: behind all the theatrics, people with HPD struggle with an overwhelming need for validation and love. They’re like actors on a stage, giving a stellar performance. Still, off-stage, they may feel lost, insecure, and anxious when not in the limelight.